Guide to Collagen Supplements: Benefits, Side Effects, & More - SANE:MD

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Guide to Collagen Supplements: Benefits, Side Effects, & More

Collagen supplements are wildly popular right now.

According to Grand View Research, "The global collagen market size was valued at USD 8.36 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.0% from 2020 to 2028." (1)

This figure includes the total collagen market, including its use in the food and cosmetic industry.

An image of collagen supplements and powder with glass of water on wooden plate.

But...What's The Market For Collagen Supplements?

Don't worry. The collagen supplement market is a healthy one.

A press release issued by Research and Markets in 2021 states, "The global collagen supplement market was valued at $1,827.6 million in 2019, and is projected to reach $3,017.6 million by 2027, registering a CAGR of 6.9%." (2)

So, a significant number of people are jumping on the collagen bandwagon. But does collagen supplementation really provide all those health benefits you've heard about through the media? And whatiscollagen, anyway?

This guide will discuss everything you need to know about collagen, including six scientifically-backed benefits of regularly using it.

An image of an attractive mature woman touching and admiring her perfect skin.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals. It has a fiber-like structure used to make connective tissue. (Collagen makes up an estimated 70% of the skin tissue.)

Where Does Collagen Come From?

Your body naturally produces collagen. But to do so, it needs the right mixture of ingredients that come from your diet.

To trigger your body's natural collagen production, you must consume a variety of amino acids, zinc, copper, and vitamin C.

Why Is Collagen Supplementation Necessary?

The body generally produces an adequate amount of collagen when you're young.

But as you get older -- somewhere around the age of 30 -- the body starts producing less collagen.

Insufficient collagen eventually reduces skin elasticity with signs of aging skin, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

An image of an attractive mature female with zoomed wrinkle zones on her face.

Can I Get Collagen From Food?

Yes, eating collagen-rich foods from animal sources can contribute to your body's collagen stores.

Collagen is found primarily in the bones, tendons, ligaments, and skin of animals. So, beef, chicken, fish, and pork are excellent dietary sources of collagen. Gelatin is also a collagen-rich source.

Is There a Vegan Collagen Option?

Unfortunately, no. Collagen is found exclusively in animals, especially their flesh and connective tissues.

Why Take Collagen Supplements When I Can Get It Through My Diet?

Though you can undoubtedly get collagen from consuming animal foods, it may not be enough to replace the collagen lost.

In addition, you may not want to eat that much meat. Taking collagen daily is just more accessible and more convenient.

An image of collagen-rich foods including salmon, walnuts, an orange, avocado, eggs, and cherry tomatoes surrounding a small chalkboard with text that reads collagen.

What Are The Symptoms Of Collagen Deficiency?

The signs of a lack of collagen vary and can include:

  • Dry skin
  • Fine line and wrinkles
  • Low bone mineral density, osteoporosis
  • Cellulite
  • Brittle nails
  • Joint pain, osteoarthritis
  • Sore muscles
  • Thin hair
  • Frequent hunger (Like all proteins, collagen triggers your short- and long-term satiety hormones, helping you feel full longer.)
  • Blood pressure issues. (Your blood vessels and arteries are made from collagen.

I've Been Hearing About Collagen Peptides and Hydrolyzed Collagen. Which One is Better?

Collagen peptides, hydrolyzed collagen, and collagen hydrolysate are the same things.

They are short chains of amino acids derived from marine or cow protein. Their short chains make them more accessible for the body to absorb than regular collagen. For this reason, most forms sold today are collagen peptides.

Collagen peptides also contain eight or nine essential amino acids, making them excellent for overall health.

An image of a comparison of younger skin and aging skin with a graphical image of the skin condition of each one with explanatory text. Explanatory text is described below.

Explanatory Text

Aging Process. Young Skin. Aging Skin. The young skins shows a perfect cuticle, epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, and muscles. The older skin shows less hyaluronic acid, fibroblast, collagen, elastic fiber, and fat cells.

End Explanatory Text

What Is The Best Form of Collagen Supplements?

It's really a matter of personal preference.

But collagen powder is the most popular form.

According to Persistence Market Research, "Powdered collagen supplements are popular and expected to hold the highest market share of close to 40 by 2031, with the segment expanding at around 5% CAGR throughout the assessment period."

What Are The Main Types of Collagen?

There are more than 20 types of collagen. But the three most researched and used in supplements are types I, II, and III.

Type I: The most common type, it makes up 90% of the skin, hair, and nails. It is also the primary structural component in several tissues. Type I collagen helps gives skin elasticity and promotes hydration.

Type II: Primarily found in cartilage, bone, and other connective tissues. Type II collagen is helpful for joint health and may help ease joint pain, stiffness, and discomfort.

Type III: Main component of reticular fibers found in the skin and blood vessels.

A graphical image of a water and vitamin drop on skin cells to tighten saggy skin.

What is the Most Popular Form of Collagen Supplement?

Collagen comes in capsule or powder form for oral supplementation and in creams, liquids, or serums for topical use.

The form you choose is a matter of personal preference.

However, collagen powders are the most popular for oral supplementation. (4)

4 Amazing Collagen Benefits

Here are five incredible science-backed benefits of collagen.

Skin Health

Collagen is famous for its anti-aging, youth-promoting benefits and is essential for the skin's strength, elasticity, and hydration. 

The skin is firm and smooth when you're young. But as you age and the body produces less collagen, skin becomes dryer and thinner, leading to sagging skin and wrinkles.

Numerous studies suggest that dietary collagen supplements may help.

According to a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine:

"Oral supplementation of specific collagen peptides has been shown to increase skin elasticity and reduce eye wrinkle volume...Another trial showed that supplementation with an oral collagen peptide improves density and skin hydration." (5)

In another review of 10 studies, researchers noted:

"The evidences obtained from these systematic reviews indicated that oral administration of intact or hydrolyzed collagen improves clinical manifestation of skin health. Almost all of the included studies reported the beneficial effects of collagen supplementation, and no inconsistencies have been seen in this regard between studies." (6)

Joint Issues

As collagen is also a key component of cartilage and the connective tissues of tendons and ligaments, it also positively affects joints.

For example, in one 24-week trial in athletes with activity-related joint pain but with no known joint disease, researchers found that collagen hydrolysate improved the joint pain. Though this was a small study and more research is needed, the results suggest that collagen may help protect joint integrity in high-risk groups. (7)

Further, a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials showed that collagen effectively soothed osteoarthritis symptoms. (8) It may even improve joint mobility. This is good news for those suffering from OA, one of the most common causes of disability worldwide.

Bone Health

Osteoporosis, characterized by weakened bones, affects about one in 10 people age 50 and older in the United States. It increases the risk for bone fractures leading to serious health issues and even death.

Like collagen, bone mass decreases with age, putting you at risk of low bone density (osteopenia), resulting in osteoporosis.

This is particularly true for postmenopausal women, as the severe reduction in estrogen levels increases their risk of osteoporosis. Fortunately, several research studies suggest that collagen supplements may keep the bones strong and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

For example, one randomized controlled trial showed that postmenopausal women who took a supplement containing collagen, calcium, and vitamin D daily for 12 months significantly reduced bone loss compared to the control group who took just calcium and vitamin D. (9)

Hair and Nails

Protein strengthens hair and nails, so it makes sense that collagen does the same.

Indeed, one study showed that oral supplementation with specific bioactive collagen peptides increased nail growth by 12% and decreased the broken nail frequency by a whopping 42 percent! (10)

But what about the hair? It seems that collagen contains specific amino acids that contribute to healthy hair, helping it to grow longer.

Side Effects of Taking Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are considered well-tolerated by most people, so side effects are rare. However, some people have reported minor digestive symptoms after taking collagen.

However, collagen is sourced from animal and marine sources, which can become an issue if you suffer from specific food allergies. (Fish, shellfish, and eggs are common food allergies.) To avoid an allergic reaction, always read the label to determine the source of the collagen.

How Much Collagen Should I Take?

There is no established dietary requirement for collagen supplementation.

However, studies suggest that taking 2.5–15 grams of hydrolyzed collagen peptides per day is safe and effective. But a lot depends upon the form of the collagen and your goals in taking it.

What to Look For in a Collagen Supplement

You should make sure the collagen supplement you choose contains no additives, preservatives, or other chemicals.

It should also be derived from grass-fed animals to ensure a higher-quality source free of steroids, antibiotics, and chemicals.

Grass-fed collagen is free of toxins like antibiotics, steroids, and pesticides.

It should also be sugar- and GMO-free.

And guess what? SANE Youthful Glow Collagen Peptides checks all those boxes!

The Best Collagen Brand? SANE Youthful Glow Peptides

SANE Youthful Glow peptides are the anti-aging secret that contains I and III -- the most potent types of collagen! It's the "protein glue" your skin, joints, and muscle demand to stay youthful, limber, and glowing at any age!

It's so easy to use, too. Simply add collagen powder to your coffee, smoothie, or other beverage. Stir a spoonful into your yogurt, or sprinkle it over any food. It's unflavored, which makes it a versatile superfood!!!

An image of a bag of SANE Youthful Glow Collagen Peptides.

Click here to learn more and to place your order TODAY!!!

The New "Protein Glue" That Can Hold Your Body and Brain Together
(Plus, Discover The Top 11 Benefits of Our SANE Ultra-Pure Collagen Peptides)

Did you know there’s a “protein glue” that holds your body together?

It’s called collagen, and it’s all the rage nowadays for good reasons!

Without collagen, your skin would be dry and thin, your nails would be brittle, your muscles couldn’t grow, and your bones would be extremely fragile.

You may have heard that collagen can be good for your skin, but here’s the secret the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know: collagen does nothing for your skin, hair, or nails when it’s applied topically.

In fact, the molecule is too big to be absorbed by the skin.Collagen has to be eaten to reap all of its (many) benefits.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and it helps give shape, strength, and integrity to your tissues and organs.

It’s necessary to form and heal virtually every tissue in your body. That’s why it’s the most abundant protein you have — 30% of the total protein in your body is collagen.

Without optimal levels of collagen all of the following suffer or deteriorate:

  • Skin
  • Nails
  • Hair
  • Muscles
  • Tendons, joints, and ligaments
  • Bones
  • Tissue
  • Eyes
  • Gut
  • Heart
  • Brain


So it’s clear that OPTIMAL levels of collagen is key for anyone suffering with issues in any of those areas. In fact, here are my favorite 11 benefits of optimal collagen levels





The real and lasting benefits of collagen in your skin come from the inside out. Research shows that taking the right kind of collagen supplements:

  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Boosts skin hydration
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Prevents UV damage
  • Prevents early signs of aging
  • Diminishes roughness of facial skin


For example, in one double-blind trial, 69 women received either 2.5g or 5.0g of a collagen supplement or placebo once daily for 8 weeks. At the end of the study, skin elasticity in both collagen groups was significantly higher in comparison to placebo. After 4 weeks of follow-up treatment, elderly women had a significantly higher skin elasticity level.

Another double-blind trial comparing two types of collagen compounds found that a high collagen content significantly improved facial skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkles and roughness in comparison to the low collagen compound and the placebo.

Bottom line: The right kind of collagen supplementation can prevent early signs of aging by keeping your skin firm and moisturized.



Collagen supplementation can prevent brittle and broken nails, and support nail growth. One study found that consuming the right kind of collagen powder…

  • Increased nail growth rate by 12%.
  • Decreased the frequency of broken nails by 42%.
  • 64% of participants had a significant improvement in brittle nails.
  • 88% of participants experienced an improvement after 4 weeks.



New groundbreaking research has found that certain types of collagen could prevent early hair loss, hair thinning, and hair graying, because collagen is part of your hair follicle stem cells (HFSC), which helps create new hair. A deficiency can trigger early aging in hair stem cells, causing premature hair loss.



Adequate levels of collagen in your body is vital for the growth and healing of muscles. The right kind of collagen supplementation has been shown to:

  • Increase muscle strength
  • Make resistance training more effective
  • Aid muscle regeneration
  • Prevent muscle disorders


One study found that supplementation with ultra-pure collagen in combination with resistance training increased fat-free mass and muscle strength while lowering fat mass.

A study published inNature discovered that a lack of a certain type of collagen can impair muscle recovery.



Collagen makes up a vast majority of the tissue in joints, tendons, and ligaments. In fact, tendons are 80% collagen!

Therefore, any deficiencies can affect flexibility, range of motion and cause joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Supplementing with Our Ultra-Pure Peptides collagencan:

  • Maintain the integrity of tendons and ligaments
  • Prevent and treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Lower joint pain and swelling
  • Support tendon repair


In a randomized, double-blind trial involving 60 patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis,consuming the right type of collagen for 3 months decreased the number of swollen and tender joints, and 4 patients had a complete remission.

Collagen supplementation is especially helpful for osteoarthritis. One double-blind study concluded that “collagen peptides are potential therapeutic agents as nutritional supplements for the management of osteoarthritis and maintenance of joint health”.



The strength of your bones depends on two things:

  1. The quantity of bone tissue.
  2. The organization of the collagen framework in your bones.


As you age, this collagen network debilitates, making your bones less resistant. Luckily, your body is able to quickly absorb and use oral collagen to make up for the natural collagen loss. Consuming ultra-pure collagen supplements may:

  • Stimulate bone-forming cells.
  • Improve calcium absorption.
  • Provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
  • Prevent osteoporosis.
  • Increase the capacity to resist fractures.


In children, daily intake of ultra-pure collagen at key stages of growth has positive effects on bone remodeling and formation.



Here’s how collagen helps your skin heal:

  1. Within seconds of the injury, collagen activates coagulation in the wound to stop the bleeding.
  2. As the blood vessels grow stronger, cells called fibroblasts — collagen factories — lay down more collagen (aka the “glue”) until the scar looks firmer.
  3. During the second week following the wound, leukocytes gradually abandon the wound area and your cells start cranking out collagen.


If your body isn’t able to produce enough collagen, or you have a deficiency in vitamin C (crucial for collagen synthesis), your ability to heal can be affected.



Collagen is key for good vision as it helps maintain the pigmented layer of your retina and the clear gel that fills your eyeball (vitreous body).

Research shows that deficiencies in a certain type of collagen may lead to eye defects and malformations.



A recent study found that collagen peptides could help repair a “leaky gut.”

Also, a lack of collagen in your intestinal tissue has been linked to chronic inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS).



Collagen keeps your heart beating, literally, because it is concentrated in one of the three walls of your heart: the myocardium, which is in charge of making the contractions to pump blood. Here, collagen does two things:

  • Provides a structural framework to the cardiac muscle cells.
  • Provides stiffness to the walls of your heart and aids force transmission so it can pump blood.


Without enough collagen, your heart couldn’t beat.

Unfortunately, as you age the collagen network in the heart naturally changes. This shift in collagen levels weakens and thins your heart’s wall, alters heart function, and changes the pressure in your arteries when the heart pumps blood.



Collagen is present in your neurons, where it helps to fight oxidation and neurodegeneration.

Research finds that collagen deficiency in the brain can cause:

  • Spontaneous cell death (apoptosis).
  • Higher vulnerability to oxidative stress.
  • Impaired autophagy (destruction of cells in the body).
  • Impairment of motor and memory task performance.
  • Increased neurotoxicity.

In other words, the right type of collagen helps the brain function properly and prevents neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.


Bottom Line: The “hype” around collagen supplementation (assuming it’s the right, safe, pure type) is well deserved because collagen deficiency is linked to many degenerative diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, poor vision, impaired wound healing,  leaky gut, and Alzheimer’s disease.


The right type of collagen supplements provide readily-available collagen chains that can be used by your body in all the tissues it’s needed.

And while whole foods DO give your body the raw materials to make “glue” (collagen), the right type of ultra-pure collagen supplement gives your body the “glue” directly. This can result in benefits to all the areas we just covered in a shockingly short amount of time.

Collagen supplements can have many names, including the terms “collagen hydrolysate”, “hydrolyzed collagen” and  “collagen peptides”, but they all mean the same thing:small collagen chains extracted from animal tissues.

Gelatin goes through a similar process, but it’s not the same as hydrolyzed collagen, as some people might think.

Collagen vs Gelatin

Collagen and gelatin are not the same supplement. Gelatin is a form of cooked collagen.

To create gelatin, the collagen-rich tissues are boiled at a high pressure to partially break down the collagen molecules. The gelatin is then extracted, purified and dried. This is called a partialhydrolysis.

Unlike collagen supplements, no enzymes are used to create gelatin. The collagen is not entirely broken down.

This leaves gelatin with long chains of amino acids, in contrast with the short chains of collagen peptides.

That’s why gelatin is less absorbable and efficient than collagen peptides.


Gelatin is ideal if you want to increase your intake of amino acids in your daily life — as you saw above, it’s an excellent source of collagen building blocks — but ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen is a far better choice if your goal is to boost your collagen levels faster and more easily.

Benefits of Ultra-Pure Collagen

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but these are my 5 favorite benefits of the right kind of collagen supplementation:


Ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen is easily digested in the gut and then immediately crosses the intestinal barrier, enters circulation, and become available for your tissues.

Ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen is the most efficient source because:

  • It accelerates the digestion and absorption from the gut.
  • Increases amino acid bioavailability.
  • Speeds up the incorporation rate of dietary amino acids into tissues.
  • Contains no fillers nor toxins that muck up the process

In other words, it works faster than gelatin and collagen made from scratch by your body.


Ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen peptides strengthen all the tissues in your body, but research finds they particularly shine on skin, joints, and bones by helping to:

  • Stimulate collagen regeneration.
  • Reduce and prevent joint pain.
  • Prevent bone density loss.
  • Stimulate bone forming cells.
  • Improve calcium absorption.
  • Fight skin aging.
  • Improve skin elasticity.


Ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen is a tasteless powdered form, which makes it ideal for incorporating into hot beverages, baked goods, smoothies, and other foods without any unpleasant flavors.


Ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen do not make your beverages gelatinous. It dissolves quickly and won’t change the texture of your food.

However, small clumps might form at the bottom of cold drinks (like cold brews), so enjoy it in hot drinks like hot cocoa, coffee, and tea whenever possible.

#5 Awesome Amino Acids

Ultra-pure hydrolyzed collagen is 90% protein and contains 8 out of the 9 essential amino acids — histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Tryptophan is the only one not included, but you can easily get it from low-sugar yogurt, eggs, and meat.


Please do not just take any collagen supplement. Thanks to the popularity of collagen supplementation, some very dangerous players have entered the space and you MUST be careful when choosing which type of collagen you will put into your body.

Be sure to consider at least these 5 factors:


The best hydrolyzed collagen in the market is bovine collagen. It’s the most researched and has proven health benefits for your skin, bones, joints, eyes, brain, muscles, tendons, and more.

Here’s why it’s superior to other sources:

  • Porcine collagen is less researched as a supplement and it’s mainly used for industrial applications.
  • Chicken collagen is best avoided for its vulnerability to aviary disease contamination.
  • Marine and fish collagen show promising benefits, but they’re relatively new and there’s not enough research to ensure their effectiveness or safety.
  • Collagen materials can be sourced from grass-fed cows, while it’s harder to source high-quality raw materials for the rest of collagens.

#2 Go for Grass-Fed

Collagen from grass-fed cows has a superior quality.

Research finds that grass-fed cows have higher beta-carotene (precursor of Vitamin A) levels than grain-fed cows.

This matters because vitamin A is critical for the overall integrity of skin and mucous membranes. In the case of cows, it helps collagen maintain the integrity of the hide, which is the main tissue used to create collagen peptides.

This means grass-fed cows may have healthier skins (hides) than grain-fed cows, making grass-fed collagen more effective.

#3 Make Sure it is at Least 90% Protein without fillers

Most collagen’s on the market are packed with a bunch of non-collagen nonsense. To safely enjoy all the benefits we’ve discussed, your collagen must be 90% protein from grass-fed collagen peptides.

Collagen peptides don’t need any other ingredients to be processed, so your supplement should have just one ingredient on the label — collagen. The label should say something like this:

  • Hydrolyzed Collagen (Bovine source)
  • Grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen powder
  • Grass-fed bovine collagen peptides
  • Hydrolyzed bovine collagen

Stay clear of any supplements that include gelatin (that’s not the same as peptides), vegetable magnesium stearate, or sweeteners besides stevia. To make sure there are no hidden ingredients, check the nutrients profile, and make sure the carbs are at 1% or less.

#4 Make Sure It's Sourced from Grass fed Cows

South American beef is known for its world class purity and safety. Because you deserve the purest and safest collagen, make sure yours comes from South America. This is often called South American Collagen etc.  

#5 Avoid additives and flavoring

Ultra-pure grass fed collagen is tasteless and thus can be easily added to anything you eat or drink. Additives and flavoring NEVER do anything to help you and the VAST majority of them hurt you.

Therefore, please do not allow increasing your collagen intake to increase your intake of additives and flavoring. Enjoy tasteless pure grass fed collagen within other beverages, smoothies, and dishes that already provide awesome -- and non-toxic -- flavor.













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